Membership levels
per year (excl. VAT)
The same services and benefits as Individual Member
A natural person who is no more than 30 years old
per year (excl. VAT)
Business Connection Services - Events
The services facilitate connections and foster business collaboration in Thailand. They include face-to-face events such as networking events, business seminars, social events, co-hosted events, and invitations to local business events. The benefits. Networking and business events enable new business relationships, provide valuable business insights and eventually open business opportunities. -
Digital Connection Services - Information Channel
The services bring information channels to members, including direct emails, social media feeds and webinars. The benefits. Regular news flow keeps members updated on relevant business topics.
Basic services and benefits
per year (excl. VAT)
The same services and benefits as Corporate Member
A corporation which is no more than three years old (legal person)
per year (excl. VAT)
The same benefits as individual membership plus the following services and benefits
Business Referral Services - Business Matchmaking
The services link members to other companies that may become stakeholders or partners. The referral process is confidential and can be extended to other foreign chamber members. The benefits. Trusted business referrals provide trustworthy partnerships, speeding up things in complex business environments. -
Business Promotion Services - Advocacy
TFCC uses its stakeholders in NGO, NPO and governmental agencies to promote trade and influence government policy. B2B and G2B relationships open doors for opportunities and facilitate operations. Members are welcome to join this collaboration. The benefits. B2B and B2G models open opportunities, especially for emerging and growing industries with high demand for innovation. Advocacy on government policies will develop regulations, thus making the business environment friendlier for foreign companies.
A corporation, government agency or organisation (legal person)
Contact us to discuss you goals and needs
A natural person, corporation, government agency or organisation