PYN’s Cumulative Returns Exceed 4700%

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PYN Elite has been investing in Asia throughout its history. The journey began in Thailand, where the fund’s founder and portfolio manager, Petri Deryng, made the first investments in 1999. After Thailand, PYN Elite has also invested in China, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Since 2017, PYN’s investments have been in Vietnam.

The results have been impressive: PYN Elite’s cumulative return is over 4,700%, with an average annual return of over 16% (September 2024). However, the fund’s story remains ongoing.

PYN Elite aims to continue successful investments in Vietnam until it reaches its index target of 2,500 points. VN Index was near 1,300 points in September 2024.

TFCC is also happy to confirm that PYN Elite is one of the main sponsors of the Independence Day Gala 2024 at the Landmark Hotel organized by TFCC and the Finnish Embassy.

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