Codemate offers Finnish software development in Asia

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“What we’ve learned is that the physical and cultural distance between the software developers and the clients is best kept at minimum.” states Jukka Katajaharju, the Co-Founder and CTO of Codemate, who has been running the Asian operations of this software service house for almost ten years now. The company has started an active campaign to give Finnish companies operating in Southeast Asia a capability to develop software solutions in Southeast Asia with Finnish and local experts. “Codemate’s Bangkok office has been built to satisfy this exact demand.” says Katajaharju.

“We have been mainly serving customer companies in Finland from our sites in Oulu, Helsinki, Bangkok and Dhaka, but many of the best Finnish firms operate here close to our Asian offices. We started asking ourselves, why not cooperate with these brave firms, also in serving their Asian customers or in increasing their process efficiency.” Katajaharju explains.

Mr. Karri Kivelä, Executive Director of Thai-Finnish Chamber of Commerce points out that “Finland is one of the most innovating country when it comes to software development. Slush and the success of the many gaming companies are a proof of that. I have been contacted by many Finnish and international IT start ups and many of these companies are not only looking for financing and market entry services but also a local partner who knows the South East Asian markets and can provide local customer service for the prospective clients. Knowing Codemate for years now I can warmly recommend their partnership to any IT company targeting Southeast Asian or global markets!”

Codemate’s story began in 2007 in Oulu, after a couple of years of operating together with a local partner in Dhaka. “It became clear that we need to have full control over our developers in Asia to reach extremely high quality and opened our own office there, which was quite pioneering at the time.” Katajaharju looks back. “It’s quite paradoxical that we originally opened our Asian offices to serve Finnish clients with cost efficient software development and now we are also bringing Finnish developers to work in Asia!” Katajaharju exclaims.

Web systems, mobile applications and IoT solutions are the key domains where Codemate operates. “We can help in basically anything related to digitals services’ development, testing, localisation and maintenance.” Says Katajaharju.

Companies interested in discussing the cooperation possibilities in digital services, can contact Jukka Katajaharju by e-mail at [email protected]. More information on Codemate is found at

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