Tutor e Institute from Finland develops high-class e-learning in practice-oriented training and further training. Our mission is to make the world a better, safer, and cleaner place to live. Tutor e Institute digital training gives all the people skills and competence to succeed in life and know how to act.
Our target markets are in Asia and Africa, where experience and know-how are the keys to future success and our expanding digital course portfolio offers training for a diversified audience of professionals and aspirants.
We value practical skills, lifelong learning, quality of training, and high educational standards. We are a reliable partner for industries and educational institutions worldwide. With our digital e-Learning concepts, we offer solutions at the vocational level accompanying people during their lifelong learning process. Schools, colleges, universities, small and medium-sized companies as well as corporations are the users of our digital courses.
In developing our digital courses, we work closely with well-known international partners from industry and academia. In order to create innovative digital courses, we combine our didactic knowledge with the technical expertise of our industrial partners. The goal is to bring trainees, young or adult, learning experiences online with the latest technology and quality content in an entertaining way, thus giving them the best possible education.
Tutor e Institute’s digital portfolio includes a Career Awareness course with behavioral analyses, versatile courses in food safety and personal prosperity as well as courses in sustainability and circular economy.
Tutor e Institute is a member of Education Finland’s governmental education export program, which is governed by the Finnish National Agency for Education.
For more information please visit our website: https://tutoreinstitute.com/
Outi Suojanen
CEO, Tutor e Institute